Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Kids' Guernica in Guardia Piemontese, Calabria in Italy

2020.08.25  Kids' Guernica peace paintings were exhibited in a town of  Guardia Piemontese in the region of Calabria in southern Italy. 

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Kids' Guernica Exhibition 2020 in Nagasaki

2020.08.06 Kids' Guernica Peace exhibition was held in Nagasaki as the 75 year anniversary of the atomic bombing.

"Peace and Music 2020" in Hiroshima

2020.08  Kids' Guernica was introduced in "Peace and Music 2020" in Hiroshima. A new Kids' Guernica from Cyprus was also shown as a part of it.

KIds' Guernica in Platania, Calabria, Italy

  2020.08  Kids' Guernica peace paintings were exhibited in Platania, the Calabria region of Italy.

The 25th Anniversary Exhibition at Espronceda Center for Arts and Culture in Barcelona

 2020.08 The 25th Anniversary Exhibition was held at Espronceda Center for Arts and Culture in Barcelona. It was also shown online. 

Peace and Reconciliation Award by Guernica City

2020.03 Kids' Guernica project was awarded "Guernica for Peace 2020" by the city of Guernica in Spain.

Kids' Guernica in Mulabari Village in Nepal

 2019.12.12  A new Kids' Guernica peace painting was created in a remote village in Nepal. Mulabari village was heavily damaged by the big earthquake of 2015 since this village was close to the center of the earthquake. The village children expressed their wish for the development of village. Art materials were not available in the village. They made acrylic paints for house construction thinner with water to paint the canvas. After completing it, it will be used to cover the thatched roof of the village community hall.